ANR 总结与分析

ANR 分类

Android ANR 问题分为三类:Input,Receiver,Service

在我们常见的 APP 开发中,主要遇到的都是 Input 超时问题,本文就详细分析下 Input 超时是如何产生以及如何排查

在分析 Input 超时之前,我们先来简单的介绍一下 Android 的 Input 系统。Android Input 体系中,大致有两种类型的事件,实体按键 key 事件,屏幕点击触摸事件,当然如果根据事件类型的不同我们还能细分为基础实体按键的 key(power,volume up/down,recents,back,home),实体键盘按键,屏幕点击 (多点,单点),屏幕滑动等等的事件。在 Android 整个 Input 体系中有三个格外重要的成员:Eventhub,InputReader,InputDispatcher。它们分别担负着各自不同的职责,Eventhub 负责监听 / dev/input 产生 Input 事件,InputReader 负责从 Eventhub 读取事件,并将读取的事件发给 InputDispatcher,InputDispatcher 则根据实际的需要具体分发给当前手机获得焦点实际的 Window。当然它们三者之间有工作远比我介绍的要复杂的很多。

详细源码可以参考:Input 系统—ANR 原理分析

要产生 ANR,至少得有两个输入事件,场景如下:

  • 第一个输入事件产生,系统将其发送给用户当前操作的 App;
  • 系统收到第二个事件,发现当前距第一个输入事件发送时间超过 0.5s 仍未处理完毕,则设置一个定时器,5s 后触发;
  • 5s 之后,若系统发现第一个输入事件仍然没有回应时,则触发 ANR,激活 App 中的 Signal Cather 线程生成 traces.txt,然后弹出 ANR 对话框,告知用户 App 无响应。

也就是说,要产生 ANR,第一个输入事件必需在 5.5s 以上没有被处理完成并反馈回系统;并且要有第二个输入事件产生。如果没有第二个输入事件,即便第一个输入事件执行了 60s 或更长时间,也是不会产生 ANR 的。

ANR 产生原因

Input ANR reason 主要有以下几类:

  • 无窗口, 有应用:Waiting because no window has focus but there is a focused application that may eventually add a window when it finishes starting up.
  • 窗口暂停: Waiting because the [targetType] window is paused.
  • 窗口未连接: Waiting because the [targetType] window’s input channel is not registered with the input dispatcher. The window may be in the process of being removed.
  • 窗口连接已死亡:Waiting because the [targetType] window’s input connection is [Connection.Status]. The window may be in the process of being removed.
  • 窗口连接已满:Waiting because the [targetType] window’s input channel is full. Outbound queue length: [outboundQueue 长度]. Wait queue length: [waitQueue 长度].
  • 按键事件,输出队列或事件等待队列不为空:Waiting to send key event because the [targetType] window has not finished processing all of the input events that were previously delivered to it. Outbound queue length: [outboundQueue 长度]. Wait queue length: [waitQueue 长度].
  • 非按键事件,事件等待队列不为空且头事件分发超时 500ms:Waiting to send non-key event because the [targetType] window has not finished processing certain input events that were delivered to it over 500ms ago. Wait queue length: [waitQueue 长度]. Wait queue head age: [等待时长].


  • targetType: 取值为”focused” 或者”touched”
  • Connection.Status: 取值为”NORMAL”,”BROKEN”,”ZOMBIE”

实例分析,Reason: Waiting because the focused window is paused.

最近遇到这个问题,但是没有 trace 文件可以分析,只有 logcat 和 dumpsys 文件。
下面利用这两个文件尝试分析下如何定位这类 ANR
先看下 logcat 内容

  • step1, 在 logcat 中搜索 Application is not responding,并确认这条日志的时间点:06-01 04:38:39.160

    // 第一步搜索 Application is not responding
    06-01 04:38:39.160 1457 1669 I InputDispatcher: Application is not responding: AppWindowToken{b7d5d7c token=Token{5a5c6f ActivityRecord{12f034e u0 t4569}}} - Window{703780b u0 cxxx/xxx.xActivity}. It has been 5008.2ms since event, 5003.2ms since wait started. Reason: Waiting because the focused window is paused.
  • step2, ANR 属于 InputDispatcher 类型,向前选 5s,大概在 06-01 04:38:34 的时间点

  • step3, 在上一步的时间点,看看有没有到对应的 input 事件,找到了:

    06-01 04:38:34.151 23143 23143 D AndroidRuntime: Calling main entry
    06-01 04:38:34.152 23143 23143 I Input : injectKeyEvent: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, repeatCount=0, eventTime=2108288622, downTime=2108288622, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
  • step4, 根据事件,猜测是点击返回时发生了 ANR,

  • step5, 搜索关键字 ANR in,查看 CPU 占用,发现 CPU 占用过高

    06-01 04:38:49.302  1457 23156 E ActivityManager: ANR in xxx (xxx/.x,xActivity)
    06-01 04:38:49.302 1457 23156 E ActivityManager: PID: 18833
    06-01 04:38:49.302 1457 23156 E ActivityManager: Reason: Input dispatching timed out (Waiting because the focused window is paused.), happend at time = 2108297657@#@18833
    06-01 04:38:49.302 1457 23156 E ActivityManager: Load: 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0
    06-01 04:38:49.302 1457 23156 E ActivityManager: CPU usage from 105ms to -6001ms ago:
    06-01 04:38:49.302 1457 23156 E ActivityManager: 131% 18833/xxx: 30% user + 100% kernel / faults: 19725 minor 18 major
    06-01 04:38:49.302 1457 23156 E ActivityManager: 33% 19724/ 29% user + 3.6% kernel / faults: 5507 minor 1 major
    06-01 04:38:49.302 1457 23156 E ActivityManager: 20% 1457/system_server: 12% user + 8.3% kernel / faults: 1084 minor 7 major
    06-01 04:38:49.302 1457 23156 E ActivityManager: 10% 452/surfaceflinger: 3.9% user + 6% kernel / faults: 45 minor

虽然现在手机基本都是多核 CPU,比如 4 核的话,CPU 上线是 400%。但 App 正常使用时,单个 CPU 占用应该不超过 100%。
到这里猜测,在点击按钮返回时,页面刷新 App CPU 占用过高,导致 ANR,此时对应 Activity 的 onPause 和 onResume 两个生命周期,

在分析一下为什么 ANR 原因是 Input dispatching timed out (Waiting because the focused window is paused.)

查看 dumpsys 文件

在 dumpsys 文件中搜索 Input Dispatcher,找到下面的内容,注释内容是我自己添加的,便于理解

Input Dispatcher State at time of last ANR:
Time: 2021-06-01 04:38:39 // 这里时间跟 step1 的时间一致
Window: AppWindowToken{b7d5d7c token=Token{5a5c6f ActivityRecord{12f034e u0 xxx/.xxxActivity t4569}}} - Window{703780b u0 xxx/xxx.xActivity}
// 注意上面的 Window{703780b ...
DispatchLatency: 5008.2ms
WaitDuration: 5003.2ms
Reason: Waiting because the focused window is paused.
DispatchEnabled: 1
DispatchFrozen: 0
FocusedApplication: name='AppWindowToken{b7d5d7c token=Token{5a5c6f ActivityRecord{12f034e u0 xxx/.xxxActivity t4569}}}', dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
FocusedWindow: name='Window{703780b u0 xxx/xxx.xActivity}'
TouchStates: <no displays touched>
//.... 省略
// 根据 703780b 找到对应的window,同时发现有两个window状态是 paused,但Window{6dfcc50 hasFocus=false 暂不考虑
8: name='Window{6dfcc50 u0 PopupWindow:408c8f7}', displayId=0, paused=true, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x41800008, type=0x000003e8, layer=21020, frame=[223,149][474,208], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[223,149][474,208], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=18833, ownerUid=13560, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
// Window{703780b paused=true
9: name='Window{703780b u0 xxx/xxx.xActivity}', displayId=0, paused=true, hasFocus=true, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=true, flags=0x81810520, type=0x00000001, layer=21015, frame=[0,0][1280,720], scale=1.000000, touchableRegion=[0,0][1280,720], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=18833, ownerUid=13560, dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms

在 dumpsys 文件中 继续搜索 WINDOW MANAGER LAST ANR,找到 Window{703780b

WINDOW MANAGER LAST ANR (dumpsys window lastanr)
//.... 省略
Window #3 Window{703780b u0 xxx/xxx.xActivity}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=156 mSession=Session{eaba5cd 18833:u0a13560} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@9fb1bda
mOwnerUid=13560 mShowToOwnerOnly=true appop=NONE
mAttrs=WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=1 fl=#81810500 wanim=0x103045b vsysui=0x1606 sysuil=true needsMenuKey=2}
Requested w=1280 h=720 mLayoutSeq=311401
mBaseLayer=21000 mSubLayer=0 mAnimLayer=21015+0=21015 mLastLayer=21015
mToken=AppWindowToken{31531d3 token=Token{40bffc2 ActivityRecord{82ca40d u0 xxx/xxx.xActivity t4569}}}
mRootToken=AppWindowToken{31531d3 token=Token{40bffc2 ActivityRecord{82ca40d u0 xxx/xxx.xActivity t4569}}}
mAppToken=AppWindowToken{31531d3 token=Token{40bffc2 ActivityRecord{82ca40d u0 xxx/xxx.xActivity t4569}}}
mViewVisibility=0x0 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=2 mSystemUiVisibility=0x1606
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mConfiguration={1.12 ?mcc?mnc zh_CN ldltr sw360dp w640dp h342dp 320dpi nrml long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.339mThemeChanged = 0mThemeChangedFlags = 0mFlipFont = 0}
mHasSurface=true mShownFrame=[0.0,0.0][1280.0,720.0] isReadyForDisplay()=true
mFrame=[0,0][1280,720] last=[0,0][1280,720]
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][1280,720] last=[0,0][0,0]
Frames: containing=[0,0][1280,720] parent=[0,0][1280,720]
display=[0,0][1280,720] overscan=[0,0][1280,720]
content=[0,0][1280,720] visible=[0,0][1280,720]
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] stable=[0,36][0,0] outsets=[0,0][0,0]
Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] stable=[0,36][0,0] physical=[0,0][0,0] outset=[0,0][0,0]
WindowStateAnimator{63d5e15 xxx/xxx.xActivity}:
mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN mLastHidden=false
Surface: shown=true layer=21015 alpha=1.0 rect=(0.0,0.0) 1280.0 x 720.0
mGlobalScale=1.0 mDsDx=1.0 mDtDx=0.0 mDsDy=0.0 mDtDy=1.0

从上面日志可以发现这个 window,属于是 AppWindowToken,说明这个 window 就是一个 Activity。

如果对 AppWindowToken 和 ActivityRecord 感兴趣的,可以看下罗老师的这篇文章:

这里列一下返回时,两个 Activity 的生命周期交互

onBackPressed() 流程:
SecondActivity - onPause() — MainActivity - onRestart() — MainActivity - onStart() — MainActivity - onResume() — SecondActivity - onStop() — SecondActivity - onDestroy()

综合上面的分析和猜测 :) , 需要着重看下 xxActivity 的 onPause 和下层 Activity 的 onResume 方法。

OK,到这里我们就知道了该如何分析 Waiting because the focused window is paused 对应的 ANR 了。

Waiting because no window has focus but there is a focused application that may eventually add a window when it finishes starting up

在 dumpsys 文件中:

Input Dispatcher State at time of last ANR:
Time: 2021-05-31 23:33:18
// 跟上面分析过的 dumpsys文件对比,发现这里没有 - Window{id u0 xxx/xxx.xActivity}
Window: AppWindowToken{9a5328e token=Token{caaf289 ActivityRecord{b8e1990 u0 t4506}}}
DispatchLatency: 5003.8ms
WaitDuration: 5000.7ms
Reason: Waiting because no window has focus but there is a focused application that may eventually add a window when it finishes starting up.
DispatchEnabled: 1
DispatchFrozen: 0
FocusedApplication: name='AppWindowToken{9a5328e token=Token{caaf289 ActivityRecord{b8e1990 u0 t4506}}}', dispatchingTimeout=5000.000ms
FocusedWindow: name='<null>'
TouchStates: <no displays touched>
// 这里有一个对应包名的window
Window #8 Window{7e932b5 u0 Starting}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=156 mSession=Session{86d25c5 1457:1000} mClient=android.view.ColorViewRootImplHooks$ColorW@7d1ceec
mOwnerUid=1000 mShowToOwnerOnly=false appop=NONE
mAttrs=WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) sim=#20 ty=3 fl=#81830518 pfl=0x11 wanim=0x103045b vsysui=0x600 needsMenuKey=2}
Requested w=1280 h=720 mLayoutSeq=292571
mBaseLayer=21000 mSubLayer=0 mAnimLayer=21040+0=21040 mLastLayer=21040
mToken=AppWindowToken{9a5328e token=Token{caaf289 ActivityRecord{b8e1990 u0 t4506}}}
mRootToken=AppWindowToken{9a5328e token=Token{caaf289 ActivityRecord{b8e1990 u0 t4506}}}
mAppToken=AppWindowToken{9a5328e token=Token{caaf289 ActivityRecord{b8e1990 u0 t4506}}}
mViewVisibility=0x0 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x600
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mConfiguration={1.12 ?mcc?mnc zh_CN ldltr sw360dp w640dp h342dp 320dpi nrml long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.119mThemeChanged = 0mThemeChangedFlags = 0mFlipFont = 0}
mHasSurface=true mShownFrame=[0.0,0.0][1280.0,720.0] isReadyForDisplay()=true
mFrame=[0,0][1280,720] last=[0,0][1280,720]
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][1280,720] last=[0,0][0,0]
Frames: containing=[0,0][1280,720] parent=[0,0][1280,720]
display=[0,0][1280,720] overscan=[0,0][1280,720]
content=[0,0][1280,720] visible=[0,0][1280,720]
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] stable=[0,36][0,0] outsets=[0,0][0,0]
Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] stable=[0,36][0,0] physical=[0,0][0,0] outset=[0,0][0,0]
WindowStateAnimator{b277152 Starting}:
mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN mLastHidden=false
Surface: shown=true layer=21040 alpha=1.0 rect=(0.0,0.0) 1280.0 x 720.0
mGlobalScale=1.0 mDsDx=1.0 mDtDx=0.0 mDsDy=0.0 mDtDy=1.0

在 logcat 文件中:

// input事件发生的时间点
05-31 23:33:18.336 1457 1669 I WindowManager: Input event dispatching timed out sending to application AppWindowToken{9a5328e token=Token{caaf289 ActivityRecord{b8e1990 u0 t4506}}}. Reason: Waiting because no window has focus but there is a focused application that may eventually add a window when it finishes starting up.
05-31 23:33:18.341 28229 28258 I chatty : uid=13560( expire 2 lines
05-31 23:33:18.344 1457 1669 D ActivityManager: ANR post Runnable for ProcessRecord{772ec6} to deal with anr happend at 2089972814@#@28229
05-31 23:33:18.344 1457 1669 D ActivityManager: ANR caller(2) =$Token.keyDispatchingTimedOut:388 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
05-31 23:33:18.347 1457 1527 W InputManager: Input event injection from pid 28213 timed out.
05-31 23:33:18.348 1457 28282 D ActivityManager: inputDispatchingTimedOut appNotResponding: proc ProcessRecord{772ec6}
05-31 23:33:18.349 1457 28282 D ActivityManager: appNotResponding: activity ActivityRecord{b8e1990 u0 t4506}
05-31 23:33:18.350 28213 28213 I Input : injectKeyEvent: KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x0, repeatCount=0, eventTime=2089967799, downTime=2089967799, deviceId=-1, source=0x101 }
05-31 23:33:18.353 1457 28284 D ActivityManager: ANR deal 3 appNotResponding for ProcessRecord{772ec6}, pid = 28229, annotation = Input dispatching timed out (Waiting because no window has focus but there is a focused application that may eventually add a window when it finishes starting up.), happend at time = 2089972814@#@28229

// ANR 收集到的时间点
05-31 23:33:24.416 1457 28284 E ActivityManager: ANR in (
05-31 23:33:24.416 1457 28284 E ActivityManager: PID: 28229
05-31 23:33:24.416 1457 28284 E ActivityManager: Reason: Input dispatching timed out (Waiting because no window has focus but there is a focused application that may eventually add a window when it finishes starting up.), happend at time = 2089972814@#@28229
05-31 23:33:24.416 1457 28284 E ActivityManager: Load: 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0
05-31 23:33:24.416 1457 28284 E ActivityManager: CPU usage from 955ms to -6002ms ago:
05-31 23:33:24.416 1457 28284 E ActivityManager: 61% 26158/ 22% user + 39% kernel / faults: 3743 minor 26 major
05-31 23:33:24.416 1457 28284 E ActivityManager: 20% 1457/system_server: 12% user + 7.8% kernel / faults: 16282 minor 21 major
05-31 23:33:24.416 1457 28284 E ActivityManager: 9.6% 6732/VosTXThread: 0% user + 9.6% kernel
05-31 23:33:24.416 1457 28284 E ActivityManager: +0% 28229/ 0% user + 0% kernel

发现我们 app 的 CPU 占用是 0%,说明可能是我们的应用还没有启动起来,就发生了 ANR。此时 CPU 占用最高的是 monkey 线程。

幸运的是这次抓到 trace 文件

关键:traces.txt 日志分析

关于 traces 文件分析,我参考的是这篇文章:Android ANR 日志分析指南

当 APP 不响应、响应慢了、或者 WatchDog 的监视没有得到回应时,系统就会 dump 出一个 traces.txt 文件,存放在文件目录: /data/anr/traces.txt,通过 traces 文件, 我们可以拿到线程名、堆栈信息、线程当前状态、binder call 等信息。

通过 adb 命令拿到该文件:adb pull /data/anr/traces.txt

我详细解析一下 traces.txt 里面的一些字段,看看它到底能给我们提供什么信息.
main:main 标识是主线程,如果是线程,那么命名成 “Thread-X” 的格式, x 表示线程 id, 逐步递增。
prio:线程优先级, 默认是 5
tid:tid 不是线程的 id,是线程唯一标识 ID
self:该线程 Native 的地址
sysTid:是线程号 (主线程的线程号和进程号相同)
schedstat:从 /proc/[pid]/task/[tid]/schedstat 读出,三个值分别表示线程在 cpu 上执行的时间、线程的等待时间和线程执行的时间片长度,不支持这项信息的三个值都是 0;
utm:是线程用户态下使用的时间值 (单位是 jiffies)
core:是最后执行这个线程的 cpu 核的序号。

main 的堆栈信息是我们最关心的,它能够定位到具体位置。从上面的 traces, 我们可以判断 导致发生了 ANR。这时候可以对着源码查看,找到出问题,并且解决它。

这里就主要看 mian 线程

// ... 省略
suspend all histogram: Sum: 29.777ms 99% C.I. 4us-17039.359us Avg: 465.265us Max: 20121us
"Signal Catcher" daemon prio=5 tid=2 Runnable
| group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d0a0a0 self=0xed7b8600
| sysTid=28234 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf497f930
| state=R schedstat=( 5272239 1424062 9 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100
| stack=0xf4883000-0xf4885000 stackSize=1014KB
| held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
native: #00 pc 0035e8cd /system/lib/ (_ZN3art15DumpNativeStackERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEEiPKcPNS_9ArtMethodEPv+116)
native: #01 pc 0033ed6b /system/lib/ (_ZNK3art6Thread4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEE+138)
native: #02 pc 00348ce5 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art14DumpCheckpoint3RunEPNS_6ThreadE+420)
native: #03 pc 00349841 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList13RunCheckpointEPNS_7ClosureE+192)
native: #04 pc 00349d41 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList4DumpERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEE+124)
native: #05 pc 0034a429 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art10ThreadList14DumpForSigQuitERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEE+312)
native: #06 pc 0031f8e3 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art7Runtime14DumpForSigQuitERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEEEE+66)
native: #07 pc 0032a007 /system/lib/ (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher13HandleSigQuitEv+910)
native: #08 pc 0032aa2d /system/lib/ (_ZN3art13SignalCatcher3RunEPv+668)
native: #09 pc 0003fc7b /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
native: #10 pc 00019fc5 /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)
(no managed stack frames)

"main" prio=5 tid=1 Suspended // 状态是暂停
| group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x740c1360 self=0xf5402500
| sysTid=28229 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf76e5b34
| state=S schedstat=( 489913748 62354685 405 ) utm=38 stm=10 core=7 HZ=100
| stack=0xff78b000-0xff78d000 stackSize=8MB
| held mutexes=
at com.tencent.tinker.lib.tinker.Tinker$Builder.<init>(Proguard:359)
at com.tencent.tinker.lib.tinker.con.a(Proguard:63)
at com.tencent.tinker.entry.TinkerApplicationInlineFence.onCreateImpl_$noinline$(Proguard:99)
at com.tencent.tinker.entry.TinkerApplicationInlineFence.onCreate(Proguard:110)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke!(Native method)

"ReferenceQueueDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=4 Waiting
| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d04be0 self=0xf5402a00
| sysTid=28235 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf4880930
| state=S schedstat=( 947291 9095001 12 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100
| stack=0xf477e000-0xf4780000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x09e82a5a> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
at java.lang.Daemons$
- locked <0x09e82a5a> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)

"FinalizerDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=5 Waiting
| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d04c40 self=0xf5402f00
| sysTid=28236 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf477b930
| state=S schedstat=( 899169 4021874 6 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=5 HZ=100
| stack=0xf4679000-0xf467b000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x005da48b> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.Object.wait(
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
- locked <0x005da48b> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
at java.lang.Daemons$

"FinalizerWatchdogDaemon" daemon prio=5 tid=6 Waiting
| group="system" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x12d04ca0 self=0xf5403400
| sysTid=28237 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xf4676930
| state=S schedstat=( 899684 3116201 10 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100
| stack=0xf4574000-0xf4576000 stackSize=1038KB
| held mutexes=
at java.lang.Object.wait!(Native method)
- waiting on <0x0e839968> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.waitForObject(
- locked <0x0e839968> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
at java.lang.Daemons$

看 trace 文件,应该是其他线程占用了资源,导致 main 线程暂停

最后,结合上面 CPU 占用分析,应该是 monkey 线程占用了资源,导致 main 线程挂起

拓展 Service,Reason: executing service xxx/xxx.Service

在 logcat 中遇到一个 Service ANR

Service Timeout 是位于”ActivityManager” 线程中的 AMS.MainHandler 收到 SERVICE_TIMEOUT_MSG 消息时触发。

对于 Service 有两类:

  • 对于前台服务,则超时为 SERVICE_TIMEOUT = 20s;
  • 对于后台服务,则超时为 SERVICE_BACKGROUND_TIMEOUT = 200s

由变量 ProcessRecord.execServicesFg 来决定是否前台启动
先看 logcat 日志,有如下内容,以时间先后排列:

// 系统进程都已经挂掉了
06-01 04:54:26.174 1457 1807 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 27980) has died
06-01 04:54:26.174 1457 1807 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 27980
06-01 04:54:26.975 1457 1807 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28150:com.oppo.usercenter/u0a59 for content provider com.oppo.usercenter/com.platform.usercenter.newcommon.db.UserCenterContentProvider
06-01 04:54:27.011 1457 1471 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 28086) has died
06-01 04:54:27.011 1457 1471 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 28086
06-01 04:54:28.093 1457 2688 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 12440) has died
06-01 04:54:28.093 1457 2688 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 12440
// 应用被force-stop, 发送广播ACTION_PACKAGE_RESTARTED,用于停止已注册的alarm,notification.
06-01 04:54:40.840 1457 1457 D JobSchedulerService: Receieved: android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED
06-01 04:54:40.841 1457 1457 D JobSchedulerService: Stop app Removing jobs for uid: 13560 pkg = xxx
06-01 04:54:40.883 1457 1522 W WindowManager: Attempted to add application window with unknown token Token{6f25abd ActivityRecord{bf5f214 u0 xxx/oxxx.PlayerActivity t4576 f}}. Aborting.
// 在一个Activity启动前,系统会先创建一个启动窗口作为过渡,这里starting window就代表启动窗口,启动窗口也添加失败
06-01 04:54:40.902 1457 1522 W WindowManager: Exception when adding starting window
06-01 04:54:40.902 1457 1522 W WindowManager: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:$DecorView{7d429de V.E...... R.....ID 0,0-0,0} not attached to window manager
06-01 04:54:40.902 1457 1522 W WindowManager: at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.findViewLocked(
06-01 04:54:40.902 1457 1522 W WindowManager: at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.removeView(
06-01 04:54:40.902 1457 1522 W WindowManager: at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.removeViewImmediate(
06-01 04:54:40.902 1457 1522 W WindowManager: at
06-01 04:54:40.902 1457 1522 W WindowManager: at$H.handleMessage(
06-01 04:54:40.902 1457 1522 W WindowManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
06-01 04:54:40.902 1457 1522 W WindowManager: at android.os.Looper.loop(
06-01 04:54:40.902 1457 1522 W WindowManager: at
06-01 04:54:40.902 1457 1522 W WindowManager: at
// 杀掉应用进程
06-01 05:26:03.900 1457 2476 I ActivityManager: Force stopping xxx appid=13560 user=0: from pid 24185
06-01 05:26:03.901 1457 2476 I ActivityManager: Killing 7767:xxx/u0a3560 (adj 0): stop xxx
06-01 05:26:03.902 1457 2476 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 7767
// 重启应用进程
06-01 05:26:25.005 1457 2643 I ActivityManager: Start proc 7916:xxx/u0a3560 for activity xxx/.WelcomeActivity
06-01 05:26:25.020 14580 14580 I MediaScannerReceiver: onReceive, intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE dat=file:///sdcard/monkey_screenshot/122_2021-06-01_05-26-09.png flg=0x10 }

// window freeze timeout App freeze timeout 网上说这里是屏幕方向改变时,清理旧配置信息超时
06-01 05:26:27.071 1457 1522 W WindowManager: Window freeze timeout expired.
06-01 05:26:27.071 1457 1522 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change: Window{9ec2733 u0 Starting xxx}
06-01 05:26:27.071 1457 1522 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change: Window{38b9629 u0 xxx/xxx.WelcomeActivity}
06-01 05:26:27.071 1457 1522 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change: Window{863574f u0 xxx/xxx.WelcomeActivity}
06-01 05:26:27.071 1457 1522 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change: Window{4bf40a2 u0}
06-01 05:26:27.075 1457 1522 V WindowManager: set sys.app_freeze_timeout: pkg=xxx
06-01 05:26:27.084 1457 1522 W WindowManager: App freeze timeout expired.
06-01 05:26:27.085 1457 1522 W WindowManager: Force clearing freeze: AppWindowToken{e409897 token=Token{68b58d8 ActivityRecord{17fbbb u0 xxx/.WelcomeActivity t4595}}}
06-01 05:26:27.145 1457 1522 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +2s74ms due to Window{9ec2733 u0 Starting xxx}
06-01 05:26:27.156 1457 1522 I WindowManager: finishPostLayoutPolicyLw (statusbar != null ) true topIsFullscreen true top = Window{9ec2733 u0 Starting xxx}
06-01 05:26:27.156 1457 1522 I StatusBarManagerService: topIsFullscreen fullscreen true
06-01 05:26:27.174 1457 1471 I WindowManager: Switching to real app window: Window{863574f u0 xxx/xxx.WelcomeActivity}

// launch timeout 可以看下这篇文章:
06-01 05:26:47.226 1457 1497 W ActivityManager: Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock!
06-01 05:26:47.230 21977 21995 I Launcher.LauncherTraceUtil: writeLauncherStateToFile. The mStateTrace is null!
06-01 05:26:47.232 7916 7953 I chatty : uid=13560(xxx) expire 2 lines

06-01 05:26:47.332 1457 8210 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 7916 SIG: 3
// ANR 发生的地方
06-01 05:26:47.234 1457 1497 W ActivityManager: Timeout executing service: ServiceRecord{d006edc u0 xxx/xxxService}
06-01 05:26:47.235 1457 1500 V OppoAppStartupManager: intent == null || callerApp == null
06-01 05:26:47.239 1457 1863 D BluetoothManagerService: checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser: valid=true callingUser=0 parentUser=-10000 foregroundUser=0
06-01 05:26:47.242 2646 2646 E ANR_LOG : >>> msg's executing time is too long
06-01 05:26:47.242 2646 2646 E ANR_LOG : Blocked msg = { when=-2s244ms what=3 target=com.qti.internal.telephony.gsm.QtiGsmServiceStateTracker obj=android.os.AsyncResult@f88f23e } , cost = 2243 ms
06-01 05:26:47.242 2646 2646 E ANR_LOG : >>>Current msg List is:
06-01 05:26:47.242 2646 2646 E ANR_LOG : Current msg <1> = { when=+20s0ms what=10 target=com.qti.internal.telephony.gsm.QtiGsmServiceStateTracker }
06-01 05:26:47.242 2646 2646 E ANR_LOG : >>>CURRENT MSG DUMP OVER<<<
06-01 05:26:47.243 14580 14580 I MediaScannerReceiver: onReceive, intent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE dat=file:///sdcard/monkey_screenshot/123_2021-06-01_05-26-49.png flg=0x10 }
06-01 05:26:47.245 1457 1457 E ANR_LOG : >>> msg's executing time is too long
06-01 05:26:47.245 1457 1457 E ANR_LOG : Blocked msg = { when=-5s541ms what=0 target=android.os.Handler$12 } , cost = 5541 ms
06-01 05:26:47.245 1457 8210 D ActivityManager: ANR deal 3 appNotResponding for ProcessRecord{7d985f 7916:xxx/u0a3560}, pid = 7916, annotation = executing service xxx/xxx.Service

// 捕获到ANR的地方
06-01 05:26:53.364 1457 8210 E ActivityManager: ANR in xxx
06-01 05:26:53.364 1457 8210 E ActivityManager: PID: 7916
06-01 05:26:53.364 1457 8210 E ActivityManager: Reason: executing service xxx/xxx.Service
06-01 05:26:53.364 1457 8210 E ActivityManager: Load: 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0
06-01 05:26:53.364 1457 8210 E ActivityManager: CPU usage from 0ms to 6087ms later:
06-01 05:26:53.364 1457 8210 E ActivityManager: 108% 7916/xxx: 21% user + 86% kernel / faults: 15083 minor 47 major
06-01 05:26:53.364 1457 8210 E ActivityManager: 9.2% 1457/system_server: 4.9% user + 4.2% kernel / faults: 958 minor

ANR 发生的过程怀疑是,应用被杀死,但没有杀死 Service,然后重启应用,启动过程中 CPU 占用过高,而出现的 ANR

哪些场景会出现 ANR

  • 场景 1:低内存 anr:查看 CPU,手机内存低导致 anr 时,一般以下两个进程 CPU 使用率高,手机会出现大量应用 anr:

    35% 90/mmcqd/0: 0% user + 35% kernel
    18% 49/kswapd0: 0% user + 18% kernel
  • 场景 2: 某一个进程的 cpu 使用率高,导致当前进程无法获取资源,可以根据 trace 查看是哪个进程在工作;

  • 场景 3:主线程卡死: 1)主线程等待其他线程锁 waiting to lock; 2) 主线程繁忙;3)主线程对应的 native 调用栈卡住;
  • 场景 4:Activity resume、restart 或 pause 太慢,导致无焦点窗口问题,通常会有黑屏白屏等现象;
  • 场景 5:省电精灵智能省电模式冻结后台进程,resume activity 时,没有及时解冻,产生无焦点窗口 anr;
  • 场景 6:其它进程 Binder 线程耗尽(ProcessState.cpp 中指定最大 binder 线程数,如 maxThreads:32),导致当前进程卡在 IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver;
  • 场景 7:Input dispatching timed out:接收输入事件的窗口出现异常,丢失焦点,伴随冻屏现象
  • 场景 8:monkey 启动大量对象 GC 耗时久导致 anr。从 dumpsys 中可以看到启动很多 window,从 log 中看 GC 耗时很久;
  • 场景 9:抓取整机 log 导致 anr。此类问题中,adbd、bugreport、chargelogcat 等进程 CPU 使用率高;
  • 场景 10:Framework 缺陷导致无焦点窗口问题,activity 已经正常 resume 了(am_on_resume_called),dumpsys 中 mFocusedWindow 为 null。

ANR 一定会发生吗?



比如 input 事件:

input 超时机制为什么是扫雷,而非定时爆炸呢?是由于对于 input 来说即便某次事件执行时间超过 timeout 时长,只要用户后续在没有再生成输入事件,则不会触发 ANR。 这里的扫雷是指当前输入系统中正在处理着某个耗时事件的前提下,后续的每一次 input 事件都会检测前一个正在处理的事件是否超时(进入扫雷状态),检测当前的时间距离上次输入事件分发时间点是否超过 timeout 时长。如果前一个输入事件,则会重置 ANR 的 timeout,从而不会爆炸。

更多细节详见 Input 系统 - ANR 原理分析,

ANR 日志生成原理


  1. 系统的 system_server 进程在检测到 App 出现 ANR 后,会向出现 ANR 的进程发送 SIGQUIT (signal 3)信号。正常情况下,系统的 会收到该信号,并调用 Java 虚拟机的 dump 方法生成 traces。
    以友盟 + 的 U-APM 应用性能监控平台为例,集成 SDK 后,SDK 会拦截 SIGQUIT。在出现 ANR 时, 会优先收到信号,并生成 traces 和 ANR 日志。在 SDK 处理完信号后,会将信号继续传递给系统的,让系统生成 ANR traces.txt。
  2. 监控 ANR 异常,通过反编译 Bugly jar 包,发现 ANR 异常捕获是通过 FileObserver 实现的。
    当 ANR 发生的时候,通过监听文件文件夹 “data/anr/” 的写入情况, 来判断是否发生了 ANR,如果监听到data/anr/traces.txt文件写入。说明有此时有 ANR 异常发生。

FileObserver 捕获 ANR 异常, 缺点是 Android5.0 低权限应用不能监听变化 “、data/anr/traces.txt”,只能在 root 之后才可以

  1. ANR-WatchDog是参考 Android WatchDog 机制(起个单独线程向主线程发送一个变量 + 1 操作,自我休眠自定义 ANR 的阈值,休眠过后判断变量是否 + 1 完成,如果未完成则告警。
    但是无法保证能捕捉所有 ANR,对阈值的设置直接影响捕获概率。

本文采用知识共享署名 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可,欢迎转载,但转载请注明来自 Agehua’s Blog,并保持转载后文章内容的完整。本人保留所有版权相关权利。


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